<![CDATA[MR. ED PRESENTS... - TAGGER.BIZ]]>Fri, 21 Feb 2025 13:26:52 +0100Weebly<![CDATA[TAGGER.BIZ]]>Mon, 23 Mar 2020 09:37:59 GMThttps://wsb.leijnse.info/taggerbiz/taggerbizImagine: TAGGER BIZ
 See All Information about TAGGER.BIZ:
​MAIN PROJECT: https://tagger.biz

The software offered here is just a tool to prepare for using (or not using) Tagger.BIZ, it is free, BUT it is  ONLY FOR WINDOWS!
The TAGGER.BIZ software is not for free, you can apply for a test-version with support@tagger.biz

With this access database you can check for duplicate images/files and you can list all your keywords that are currently in your image collection. If you want to have more keywords, than you can apply for the TAGGER.BIZ software. If you don't want/need the TAGGER.BIZ software: no problem, you can manually add keywords with this tool. A link to a demo version of Microsoft Vision is provided: in that way you can look for interesting keywords one by one. See image 'Insert URL Upload' below.
File Size: 905 kb
File Type: accdb
Download File

News Update September 2020
FREE MS ACCESS Database to test your Keywords


1. Windows 10 (Microsoft)
2. EXIFTOOL must be installed (freeware)
    IMPORTANT: Use the customized EXIFTOOL installer from Oliver Betz, see the link in exiftool (above) or use:
   Use: exiftool_Install_12.05_64.exe Windows Installer, 64 bit Version
   The download protection can be deactivated for 15 minutes
​   After starting the installation you will get a warning from Windows: click on further information (in German:
   weitere Informationen) and install the software

3. MSACCESS must be installed (Microsoft 365 software) OR if you don't possess Office you can use:
   the free MSACCESS runtime, download here

4. Faststone Image Viewer can be installed (to offer a preview of the images) (freeware)
NOTE 1: Faststone must be installed on Windows in directory "
C:\Program Files (x86)\FastStone Image Viewer", otherwise you have to change the VBA macro. (the standard installation will install Faststone there)
NOTE 2: start Faststone and change the Settings (F12): Startup Folder 'Last Used' Remember last viewed file: Yes (Option clicked)
NOTE 3: read the tutorial, especially about the history list (page 14) and the start up option.
NOTE 4: You can also open the image directly in Faststone, because from MSACCESS the filename is copied.

1. Download and install msaccess runtime (see above) if ACCESS is not installed
2. Download taggerbizxxxx.accdb (see above, click on link Downlad file), move 
   downloaded file to your favourite folder/directory (eg. ..\Documents\)

3. Download  and install faststone (see above)
4. Download  and install exiftool (see above)
5. start Access DB by clicking on taggerbizxxxx.accdb
NOTE: Mind the yellow security warning: click on it to approve using the database (First click on OK or Cancel, then click on ENABLE CONTENT, the main menu will re-appear)
See image below SECURITY WARNING

HOW TO USE SEARCH KEYWORDS (explanation 'what is..' below)
1. Start taggerbizxxxx.accdb: You will get help with a start dialog. Note: you have to confirm the security warning in MSACCESS or MSACCESS RUNTIME
2. In Dialog SEARCH KEYWORDS, fill Keywords table, press "prepare keywords".  The Dialog will help and guide you. 
3. In Dialog SEARCH KEYWORDS, list all keywords, press "list all keywords".  
All keywords appear, you can click on the filename to see the image (link to faststone)
After you are finished, you can click on X to close the table, the menu will reappear.
See image 'all keywords' below
4. SEARCH Keywords, option 'keywords with confidence': only if you have worked with TAGGER.BIZ software later. Keywords appear with a '*' as a prefix.
TAGGER.BIZ offers a possibility to choose between 9 confidence levels.
5. SEARCH Keywords, option 'search keyword': directly search for a keyword, you can work with * for unknown characters. Click on 'filename# to view the image in faststone

HOW TU USE SEARCH DUPLICATE IMAGES (explanation 'what is..' below)
simply run the taggerbizxxxx.accdb and wait for the dialog. Note: You have to confirm the security warning in MSACCESS or MSACCESS RUNTIME
In Dialog SEARCH DUPLICATE IMAGES fill Keywords table press: prepare report

With SEARCH KEYWORDS you can load the EXIFTOOL Output file in the Keywords table.
After loading your data you can see all keywords (Button "all keywords")
Starting from 'all keywords' or 'keywords with confidence' you can also filter, so you don´t have to use search keyword separately (Klick on the right side of a keyword, then a small dialog will appear)

If you don't have any keywords, you can add them here.
IMPORTANT: if you want to see the newly added keywords, you have to reload the keywords table (=== SEARCH FOR KEYWORDS ===, 'fill Keywords Table')

With this option you can delete existing keywords from the selected image

With SEARCH DUPLICATE IMAGES you can look for duplicates in your images collectio: you don´t have to run EXIFTOOL.
<![CDATA[Imagine - helps to find your images again]]>Sun, 16 Feb 2020 09:17:07 GMThttps://wsb.leijnse.info/taggerbiz/filter-pictures-projectFilter Pictures: Imagine, Image-Inn
Imagine: you can add keywords to all your pictures, extract pictures using those keywords, make new categories using those keywords.

Microsoft cognitive services, demo included:

GITHUB: https://github.com/edleijnse/filterpictures
1. extract keywords from images (currently jpg, CR2, CR3) with the EXIFTOOL. 
2. create new keywords with Microsoft VISION (Azure)
3. add the newly created keywords to the images (as EXIF) Data

Status February 16th 2020:
1. Works with samples
2. No GUI
3. "as is": not documented

Status February 29th 2020:
1. Datastore in ACDP Database (Beat Hörmann's ACDP Database), Beta-Test in 
Test Gui in:
https://github.com/edleijnse/CopyDirectorySimpleGui  (Windows/Linux/Mac)
https://github.com/edleijnse/CopyDirectorySimpleGuiRaspberry (Raspberry)

You have to create a VISION Account with Microsoft: it will cost you about 5 $ for 1000 images.


​GUI for Imagine Project
WIth this version a simple workflow is implemented.
In Image directory you can choose the directory where the images are stored (subdirectories include)
In ACDP directory you can choose in which ACDP database the analysis will be stored.
There is also a utility to initialize the ACDP directory
There are 3 ways to extract keywords:
- from directorynames
. from exifdata
. with Microsoft Vision (in this version not yet implemented, 2020-03-01)

You first have to checkout and compile (mvn clean install) thhttps://github.com/edleijnse/CopyDirectoryToAcdp project (will be stored in local .m2 (maven) directory)

Sample search with Keywords  "camera" and "bicycle"

<![CDATA[Tools]]>Sat, 15 Feb 2020 21:27:52 GMThttps://wsb.leijnse.info/taggerbiz/toolsProgramming-Tools

Operating Systems
IMac, 16 GB memory
VM: paralles Software
Windows 10, 16 GB memory
VM: Oracles VirtualBox
Linux Mint
Linux Ubuntu

TDD (test driven design)


Current Projects
filterpictures (on github, edleijnse): tool to analyze pictures (JPG format) with Microsoft's vision software and EXIFTOOL.
acdp database (developed by Beat Hörmann from Triangulum Software): to be published Mid 2020.
